Zyvadar [1.16, 1,024 x 1,024]
1,024 x 1,024 sized island map.
Contains a snowy mountain surrounded by forest, on an island with beaches.
Created in Quadspinner Gaea + World Painter
Trees obtained from MCG Schematic Pack
By purchasing this map, you agree to the following rules:
You are allowed to:
- Use this map in any monetized videos or streams (YouTube, Twitch, etc.)
- Use this map in any non-monetized videos or streams (YouTube, Twitch, etc.)
- Use the map for any personal use
- Use the map for commercial uses (that are not in the list below)
- Use the map in other works & creations
- Use the map in Minecraft servers
- If used in a Minecraft server, you may use the map for profit, as long as it is not in the list below.
You may NOT:
- Directly re-sell the map without my permission
- Claim the map as your own.
Note: The map is a .zip file. To download, simply extract the .zip into your Minecraft “saves” folder.
4 sales
Zyvadar Minecraft Map
Map Size:
1,024 x 1,024
Surface Area:
1,048,576 blocks/m^2
Biome Count:
Tools Used:
Gaea, WorldPainter
11.8 MB
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